Obchodné meno: BENZINOL SLOVAKIA s. r. o. Právna forma: spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným Sídlo: Mliekárenská 17, Bratislava 821 09 IČO: 44 820 704 Registrácia: OR MS Bratislava III, odd.: Sro, vložka číslo: 60968/B Konajúca prostredníctvom: doc. Dr. Martin Čepel, Ph.D., MBA, DBA, konateľ
I. Všeobecné informácie
Na základe interného rozhodnutia vyššie uvedenej spoločnosti o zmene štátu, v rámci ktorého bude ďalej vykonáva svoju podnikateľskú činnosť, bol spracovaný tento Návrh projektu cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy. V zmysle požiadaviek zákona č. 309/2023 Z. z. o premenách obchodných spoločností a družstiev a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov (ďalej aj ako ,,zákon o premenách obchodných spoločností“ alebo len ako ,,zákon“), sú v nasledujúcich článkoch uvedené jednotlivé informácie, k zákonom taxatívne vymenovaným požiadavkám.
II. Zúčastnená spoločnosť
Podľa § 2 ods. 16, písm. a) zákona o premenách obchodných spoločností, je zúčastnenou spoločnosťou pri cezhraničnej zmene právnej formy spoločnosť pred zmenou právnej formy.
III. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. a) zákona
Obchodné meno: BENZINOL SLOVAKIA s. r. o. Právna forma: spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným Sídlo: Mliekárenská 17, Bratislava 821 09 IČO: 44 820 704 Registrácia: OR MS Bratislava III, odd.: Sro, vložka číslo: 60968/B Konajúca prostredníctvom: doc. Dr. Martin Čepel, Ph.D., MBA, DBA, konateľ
(ďalej aj ako „zúčastnená spoločnosť“ alebo „spoločnosť“)
IV. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. b) zákona
Údaje zúčastnenej spoločnosti sa pri cezhraničnej zmene právnej formy zmenia na údaje premenenej spoločnosti.
V. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. c) zákona
Navrhované údaje premenenej spoločnosti:
Obchodné meno: Benzinol Slovakia Ltd Právna forma: Company with limited liability Sídlo: 4th Floor, Offices 3, 4 & 5, 1066 Nicosia, Cyprus Konajúca prostredníctvom: doc. Dr. Martin Čepel, Ph.D., MBA, DBA, director
VI. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. d) zákona
Orientačný harmonogram pre cezhraničnú zmenu právnej formy :
VIII. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. e) zákona
Vzhľadom k tomu, že cezhraničná zmena právnej formy je postup, pri ktorom spoločnosť bez zrušenia alebo likvidácie zmení svoju právnu formu zapísanú v registri pôvodného štátu na právnu formu podľa práva cieľového štátu a zároveň premiestni do cieľového štátu aspoň svoje sídlo, v tomto prípade nevzniká nástupnícka spoločnosť, na základe čoho nie je potrebné špecifikovať práva udelené nástupníckou spoločnosťou spoločníkom požívajúcim osobitné práva alebo vlastníkom iných cenných papierov ako tých, ktoré predstavujú podiel na základnom imaní spoločnosti, alebo opatrenia, ktoré sa týchto osôb týkajú.
IX. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. f) zákona
Spoločnosť vlastní nehnuteľný majetok – LV č. 338, k. ú. Nitrianske Pravno, okres Prievidza, na predmetnej nehnuteľnosti viazne záložné právo správcu dane spolu so zákazom nakladať s nehnuteľnosťou, čo znamená, že jej cezhraničnou zmenou právnej formy nedôjde a ani nemôže dôjsť k zhoršeniu postavenia existujúcich veriteľov. Doterajšia štruktúra spoločnosti a jej aktíva nedisponujú hodnotami, ktoré by mohli byť postihnuté negatívnym vývojom v súvislosti s touto zmenou.
Na ochranu veriteľov bude spoločnosť v budúcnosti pri prijímaní akýchkoľvek nových záväzkov v cieľovom štáte zvažovať a zabezpečovať, aby boli tieto záväzky kryté adekvátnymi aktívami alebo inými právnymi mechanizmami, vrátane napríklad záruk, ručení, či iných zabezpečovacích práv. Cieľový štát zároveň poskytuje právne nástroje na ochranu veriteľov pri vzniku nových záväzkov a spoločnosť sa zaväzuje tieto mechanizmy plne dodržiavať.
Očakávaný rast spoločnosti v cieľovom štáte by mal priniesť zvýšenie hodnoty jej aktív, čo umožní lepšiu schopnosť spoločnosti uspokojiť záväzky voči veriteľom. Spoločnosť sa tak zaväzuje, že bude v rámci svojej činnosti a plánov rozvoja dodržiavať všetky príslušné predpisy na ochranu veriteľov a zaručí, aby nedošlo k žiadnemu zhoršeniu ich právneho postavenia v dôsledku tejto zmeny právnej formy.
X. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. g) zákona
V rámci cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy spoločnosti, nie sú a ani nebudú členom štatutárneho orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu spoločnosti poskytnuté žiadne osobitné výhody.
XI. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. h) a i) zákona
V čase vypracovania tohto Návrhu projektu cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy, spoločnosť nemala žiadnych zamestnancov, na základe čoho jej cezhraničná zmena právnej formy nebude mať žiadny vplyv na zamestnanosť.
Z uvedeného dôvodu taktiež nie je potrebné uvádzať žiadne údaje o postupoch, podľa ktorých sa upraví účasť zamestnancov v nástupníckej spoločnosti. XII. § 114 ods. 1 v spojení s § 77 písm. j) zákona
Vzhľadom k tomu, že cezhraničná zmena právnej formy je postup, pri ktorom spoločnosť bez zrušenia alebo likvidácie zmení svoju právnu formu zapísanú v registri pôvodného štátu na právnu formu podľa práva cieľového štátu a zároveň premiestni do cieľového štátu aspoň svoje sídlo, v tomto prípade nie je potrebné uvádzať údaje o tom, či podiel spoločníka zanikajúcej spoločnosti podlieha výmene alebo o tom, že jeho účasť zaniká, ak je táto skutočnosť známa v čase vypracovania návrhu projektu cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy, s uvedením dôvodov.
XIII. § 114 ods. 1 písm. a) zákona
Spoločnosť nezískala v pôvodnom členskom štáte v období predchádzajúcom päť rokov, pred vyhotovením tohoto Návrhu projektu cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy, žiadne stimuly podľa Nariadenie Komisie (EÚ) č. 651/2014 zo 17. júna 2014 o vyhlásení určitých kategórií pomoci za zlučiteľné s vnútorným trhom podľa článkov 107 a 108 zmluvy (Ú v. EÚ L 187, 26. 6. 2014) v platnom znení.
XIV. § 114 ods. 1 písm. b) zákona
Spoločnosť má v súčasnosti dvoch spoločníkov, pričom obaja súhlasili s navrhovaným projektom cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy. Z tohto dôvodu sa nepredpokladá, že by mala nastať situácia, kedy bude potrebné jednému zo spoločníkov, ktorí budú hlasovať proti schváleniu návrhu projektu cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy, ponúknuť peňažnú náhradu.
V prípade, že by však menšinový spoločník nesúhlasil so schválením návrhu projektu cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy, spoločnosť je pripravená ponúknuť mu ekvivalent hodnoty jeho obchodného podielu. Táto hodnota bude stanovená na základe znaleckého posudku, ktorý nezávislý znalec vypracuje s cieľom objektívneho ohodnotenia ku dňu schválenia cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy.
Peňažná náhrada zabezpečí, že menšinový spoločník, ktorý by nebol ochotný pokračovať v spoločnosti po cezhraničnej zmene právnej formy, dostane primeranú a spravodlivú kompenzáciu za svoj obchodný podiel, a to spôsobom, ktorý zohľadňuje všetky relevantné ekonomické aspekty spoločnosti.
XV. § 115 zákona
Prílohou tohto Návrhu projektu návrh spoločenskej zmluvy a návrh stanov premenenej spoločnosti.
Dátum a miesto vypracovania Návrhu projektu cezhraničnej zmeny právnej formy:
V Bratislave, dňa 01.03.2025
Prílohy :
Benzinol Slovakia Ltd
KLEOPA & PARASKEVA LLC Lawyers Themistokli Dervi No.6, Papyrus Hall 4th Floor, Offices 3, 4 & 5, 1066 Nicosia, Cyprus Τel.: 22767510
Registered on the ____/____/_______
Redomiciliation ____/_____/2025
Registration No. ___________
Benzinol Slovakia Ltd
1. The name of the company (hereinafter called “the Company”) is: Benzinol Slovakia Ltd
Main Activities 3.1 To carry on the business of retail and wholesale sales of any kind, of establishment operation and management of gas stations and of any related service. To carry on the business of retail and wholesale purchase and sale of fuels, heating oils, mineral oils and all related products, to carry on the business of car cleaning and washing and also to carry on the business of general traders, merchants, agents of foreign or other firms on commission or otherwise in every part of the world, as well as brokers and to import, sell, exchange and generally to deal with commodities, goods, products and things and any merchantable items. 3.2 To carry on, in Cyprus and anywhere in the world, the activity and business of accommodation services, catering, entertainment services, as well as the provision of any service related to artistic, cultural, recreational and sporting, events, activities and happenings. To carry on, in Cyprus and anywhere in the world, the activity and business of consultants on subjects relating to the administration, organization of industries and enterprises, the training of industrial personnel and that of enterprises, the development and investment of capital, reserve stocks, shares, money, and to offer advice in relation to the means and methods for further development and improvement of any kind of business and/or industries and in relation to all systems and/or procedures connected with the production, storage, distribution, advertisement and sale of goods and/or insurance and/or movable or immovable property and/or related objects connected with the supply of services. 3.3 To acquire and hold, in Cyprus and anywhere in the world, capital and other property of any type, nature and description and to manage same for the benefit of the Company and its shareholders and for the attainment of the objects of the Company. To contribute to the execution of any project, work or undertaking by the procurement of capital, granting of loans or securing other means for the execution of such work, project or undertaking and to undertake and execute contracts in any country of the world. 3.4 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world the activities and business of business of consultants, managers, analysts, controllers, examiners, researchers, technical or other advisers, promoters, financial analysts, cost analysts, valuers, supervisors, inspectors, auditors, accountants, statisticians, economists, (including the undertaking and making of feasibility studies), brokers or agents, advertisers in relation to any kind of industry, commerce, business or undertaking of every kind and nature either in the public or the private sector and to advise on the means and methods of promoting and executing any project whatsoever, including the acquisition, sale, letting or availability of any kind of “know-how” and the business of a company engaging in acquiring and making available capital, services and goods. 3.5 To transact, in Cyprus and anywhere in the world, as asset managers, promoters and financial and monetary agents, to procure capital for companies, to receive moneys on deposit, account current or otherwise, with or without allowance of interest and to receive on deposit title deeds and other securities as guarantee and to negotiate loans of every nature and description and to aid any government, state, or any municipal or other body corporate, company, association or individuals with capital, credit means or resources for the prosecution of any works, projects or enterprises. 3.6 To, provide, in Cyprus and anywhere in the world, investment and consultancy services, acquire in Cyprus and anywhere in the world (by initial registration or otherwise), possess, negotiate, liquefy, develop, administer, manage, buy, sell, exchange, mortgage, encumber, hire, distribute, get rid of or cede any right whatsoever or interest in or on or relating to any movable or immovable property of any nature whatsoever, including (without prejudice to the generality of the above) shares, scrips, securities, bonds, promissory notes, treasury bills, mortgages, liabilities, sureties, stocks, tenders and contingent, reversionary or other interests or rights in any title or in relation to it. 3.7 To acquire, in Cyprus and anywhere in the world, by purchase, gift, exchange or otherwise, possess and register in the name of the Company, to develop, exchange, assign, lease, let on hire purchase terms, sub-lease, administer, exploit, charge, mortgage, sell or otherwise dispose of, movable or immovable property of any nature including land, building sites, plots, fields, buildings, as well as any easements, privileges, licences shares or other rights or interests in, or over movable or immovable property. Auxiliary/Ancillary activities General 3.8 To carry out, in Cyprus and anywhere in the world, any of the activities, business, acts or works, either by the Company acting in its name and for its own account or as agent, broker, contractor, trustee or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others and either directly or through agents, subcontractors, nominees or otherwise. 3.9 To carry out, adopt, acknowledge, ratify and perform any contract, act or transaction entered into or made for account or on behalf of the Company with or without modifications as the Directors may think fit. 3.10 To undertake and carry out any other business, act or activity which in the opinion of the Board of Directors may be carried out usefully, incidentally or in parallel with any other object and business of the Company or which may enhance directly or indirectly the value, usefulness or productivity of the business, work, assets or rights of the Company. 3.11 Generally to do all such other things as may appear to the Company to be useful, incidental or conductive to the attainment directly or indirectly of the objects. 3.12 To do any act which is conducive to or necessary for the achievement of any of the objects together and/or severally. Security Systems Software and Hardware 3.13 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world activities of business consultants and of management consultants to industrial and commercial or any other enterprises in general, and to advise on methods of development and improving of such enterprises in the fields of technology, industry and commerce, as well as on matters of personnel and administration, introduction of security systems or processes of production, storage, distribution, marketing of products and systems of sales and sales promotion and to undertake research on all above mentioned matters and to carry on special studies on such matters and to undertake the establishment of high technology products, computers and computer systems to this effect and to provide the necessary expertise software or other necessary materials to this purpose. 3.14 To undertake the renting, leasing, selling, purchasing and designing of security systems, software and hardware and/or software programs and in any other business areas, and to other financial areas, and to any other companies, corporations, associations and any other corporate bodies, whether private, public or governmental, that the company deems appropriate, in any part of the world, and to provide consultancy services and/or any other related services and to manage and to offer services as experts in these fields. 3.15 To lease and rent both the software and hardware security system and/or software programs developed and/or designed by the Company or any other software programs and to be able to receive payments, make payments, handle payments, collection and any other form of financial transactions. 3.16 To receive and/or grant, licenses, royalties, rental rights or other property, and similar property of any kind, and to enter into agreements for this purpose. 3.17 The procurement and execution of turnkey projects and the supply of security systems software and hardware and/or software program in the field of security systems as well as the development and marketing in the abovementioned field. Public Relations 3.18 To carry on, either alone or jointly with others, business of any nature and description in advertising, public relations and sales promotion and generally any trade and related activity whatsoever, and to acquire and make available opportunities and means of advertising and public relations and to carry out the work of publisher, owner of magazines and newspapers, publisher of commercial, literature or other catalogues, press agent, bookseller, book –binder, designer and printer.
Administration 3.19 To set up and operate offices in Cyprus or abroad for the management and administration of all the business activities of the company. 3.20 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world the business and the activities of Consultants and Experts on information Management, the administration, organization and manning of enterprises with personnel of any nature, degree and description, and on conditions of employment and discharge of personnel, and generally on consultancy on information management and working matters, to industrial units, trading and other enterprises, including governments, state authorities, semi-government and other organizations, to act as representative or directors or to undertake the completion or responsibility or the exercise of powers and control over such matters and to advise or act in any way for the finding, engagement, employment, transfer, discharge or training of scientific, clerical, technical and manual personnel of every nature and description, or skill or specialty, to undertake or contract in the finding, engagement, employment or training of such personnel, to organize and carry out seminars, or educational activities for specialization or refreshment of knowledge, and to carry on research, studies, surveys on all matters connected with personnel, organization or training and to promote generally good employment relations. 3.21 To carry on the activities or business of secretary, director, attorney, managing director, administrative director, shareholder, receiver or agent of any company, enterprise, public or private organization, of every agency or other authority or rule or private person and generally of every natural or legal person. 3.22 To carry on the activities or business of agents and advisors in relation to any kind of management, administration, control, organization, regulation of companies, business, firms or persons and to conduct the work and activity of a services providing company, or a company providing the services of arbitrators, or providing or participating or assisting in the provision of consultancy, managerial, administrative or other services on any subjects and in providing assistance to the handling and resolution of problems, disputes and claims between companies, organizations, persons or enterprises of any kind. 3.23 To register or recognize in any other country and to comply with any terms or conditions enabling the Company to carry on business and to establish in any such country offices, branches or agencies in order to achieve the objects of the Company. Immovable Property 3.24 To erect, maintain, work, manage, alter, repair, improve or pull down any factories, workshops, metal workshops, shops, offices, approved or in transit warehouses or other buildings, places or premises if such action is deemed necessary or assists to increase the value of the Company’s assets. Joint Ventures- Acquisitions- Mergers 3.25 To purchase or otherwise acquire all or any part of the business, assets, property and liabilities of any company and in consideration for such acquisition to pay cash or in consideration of the issue of shares. 3.26 To enter and carry into effect any arrangements for joint working in business, union or partnership or for sharing profits, or for amalgamation with any person or persons, natural or corporate body, whose business falls within the company’s objects. 3.27 To establish, promote the establishment or contribution in any way to the establishment of any company. Financial affairs – Management of Assets 3.28 To borrow money for any purpose together and/or separately with others, to give guarantees and safeguards for the responsibilities and obligations of others and generally without limit, in any possible manner and by any method or means to grant financial, commercial or other assistance, support or aid of any kind to others. 3.29 To receive money on deposit, with or without allowance of interest thereon. 3.30 To lend and advance money or give credit to any person, firm or company; to guarantee and give guarantees or indemnities for the payment of money or the performance of contracts of obligations by any person, firm or company; to secure or undertake in any way the repayment of money lent or advanced to or the liabilities incurred by any person, firm or company; and otherwise to assist any person or company as may be thought fit. 3.31 To finance, lend or advance credit or other financial assistance, or to provide assistance or services for the securing of finance, lending or provision of credit or other assistance, to persons associated or dealing with the Company or to any other persons. 3.32 To provide guarantees and grant letters of indemnity in relation to obligations or contracts and/or loans of any persons, companies, firms or other organizations subsidiary or otherwise affiliated with the Company or dealing with or are customers of the Company or any other third natural or legal persons, firms or enterprises. 3.33 To redeem or otherwise acquire the whole or any part of the business, assets and liabilities of any company, organization, firm or person whose objects coincide in whole or in part with the objects of the Company or any of them and to carry on, receive or liquidate any such undertaking. 3.34 To establish, acquire, manage and carry on or assist, participate or undertake directly or indirectly in the establishment, acquisition, management or carry on any occupation, act or business of any nature and to carry out any trade, work or business which may be profitably carried out by the Company in relation to, in conjunction with, or as ancillary to any other objects or activities or of the general business of the Company. 3.35 To pay monies or other things for the acquisition, of any rights or property and to grant reward to any person and either in cash or by the issue of shares or other securities of the Company credited as fully or partly paid or otherwise. 3.36 To invest monies available by the Company and for that purpose to acquire, maintain, substitute, and deal with shares, debentures or other securities, bill of exchange or other interests or rights in movable or immovable property. 3.37 To pay subscriptions or contributions of charitable, benevolent or other useful purposes of a public nature, the support of which may in the opinion of the Company contribute to the enhancement of the goodwill of the Company or its relations with its employees, customers or the public in general. 3.38 To contract, secure or grant, loans, mortgages, finance, or offer credit facilities or obligations (either to the company or to another physical or legal person) with or without security in such way as the Company may consider fit and to mortgage, pledge or charge its undertaking or any part thereof, assets, movable and immovable property, present or future, wherever situate, including the unissued capital of the Company or any part thereof, to secure any loan or loans or facilities or obligations (either of the company or of another physical or legal person) and to issue bonds, promissory notes, charges, debentures, bills of exchange, securities, floating charges or debentures payable at such time and in such manner as the Company shall decide or order to achieve the above purposes. 3.39 To issue, or guarantee the issue of or the payment of interest on, the shares, debentures, debentures stock, or other securities or obligations of any company or association, and to pay or provide for brokerage, commission, and underwriting in respect of any such issue. 3.40 To accept mortgages, bonds, debentures, charges or other securities or facilities and to assign, transfer, amend, substitute or release same to secure the obligations either of the company or of any other physical or legal person. 3.41 The supply of any type of security or indemnity in any way towards any physical or legal person and to the benefit of any physical or legal person and the security of any guaranteed amount with the granting of the same charges and /or securities as it would have been for a conclusion of a loan from the company and the provision and receipt of counter-guarantees and cross-guarantees. 3.42 To sign, execute, endorse, transfer, redeem, negotiate and discount promissory notes, bonds, bills, bills of lading and other negotiable or transferable documents, instruments or titles or other mercantile documents and generally to perform any other similar transactions. 3.43 To issue and allot fully or partly paid shares in the capital of the Company for the payment of any movable or immovable property purchased or otherwise acquired by the Company or for any services rendered to the Company and to pay in any other way for any property or service thus acquired or rendered to the Company. 3.44 To issue and allot fully or partly paid shares in the capital of the company or issue debentures or securities in payment or part payment of any movable or immovable property purchased or otherwise acquired by the company or any services rendered to the company and to remunerate in cash or otherwise any person, firm or company rendering services to this company or grant donations to such persons. 3.45 To distribute in specie among the members any property of the Company or the proceeds of sale or disposition generally of any such property on condition that if such distribution would result in reduction of Capital this shall be done as may be provided by the Law from time to time. 3.46 To sell, dispose of, mortgage, charge, grant rights or options or transfer the business, property and undertakings of the company, or any part or parts thereof, for any consideration which the company may see fit to accept. 3.47 To accept stock or shares in, or the debentures, mortgage debentures or other securities of any other company in payment or part payment for any services rendered or for any sale made to it by this company or debt owing from any such company. 3.48 To distribute in specie or otherwise as may be resolved for the time being any assets of the company among its members and particularly the shares, debentures or other securities of any other company belonging to this Company or which this company may have the power of disposing. 3.49 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world, any business, work, trade, lease, operation or activity whatsoever relating to connected with or involving stocks, share bonds, commodities of all kinds. Promotion of the Company – Expansion 3.50 To establish, promote or participate in the establishment of any company and to acquire by subscription, purchase or otherwise accept, take, hold, substitute, sell or otherwise dispose of, shares, stocks, monies, debentures or other securities or interests in any Company, entity or enterprise. 3.51 To enter into any agreements contract and do any act with any State, Governmental, Municipal Commune or other Authority, body or Organization or with any person as in the circumstances may be considered necessary or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Company. 3.52 To file applications and commence procedures and to take out, purchase or otherwise acquire, lease, substitute, register and use any right to patents, trademarks, licenses, business names, copyrights, concessions, easements, legal powers, rights or privileges and to sell, lease or give by way of gift, assign or otherwise secure or grant licenses for the use thereof. 3.53 To amalgamate or enter into partnership, participate in profits, join in any way, joint venture financial arrangement or cooperation with any natural or legal person having business either in Cyprus or abroad and carry on or engage in any business, work, activity or act which the Company may carry on or which may in the opinion of the directors be carried on in conjunction with the business of the Company or in a way serving directly or indirectly the objects of the Company. 3.54 To pay all charges expenses and costs relating to the promotion and formation of the Company or which the Company shall consider to be in the nature of preliminary expenses, including study fees, consultancy fees, printing, stationery and other related expenses. Consultancy 3.55 To carry on the activities and business of consultants in relation to any matter or any branch of any enterprise or industry. 3.56 To advise or render either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world, any services to any Government, Authority, private or other business whatsoever, on any matters relating to any branch or field of their activities, including (without prejudice to the generality of the above), management, efficiency, policy, organization, reconstruction, development, expansion, personnel, production, marketing, costing, business methods, and systems and to advise upon, direct or manage the accounts of the accounting system of any such businesses and services relating to any kind of feasibility studies, personnel, executive selection, planning, production cost, sales, marketing, methods, and systems, re-construction, mergers, expansions, overhead controls, computers and data processing procedures. 3.57 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world the business of consultants, managers, financial advisors, analysts, controllers, examiners, researches of or in relation to any kind of real estate or industry or business of any nature either in the private or in the public sector. 3.58 To acquire and hold shares in Companies or in other legal entities as nominee shareholder, and trustee, and generally to offer and provide work of an organizational or administrative kind or provide advice, to carry on the activity and business of trustee company and generally to carry out the business of consultants and advisors. 3.59 To carry on the activities and business of a holding company and to acquire and hold shares or other securities or titles of ownership in companies or other legal entities of any kind. 3.60 To do all or any of the matters hereby authorised in any part of the world either alone or in conjunction with, or as factors, trustees, principals, sub-contractors or agents for, any other company, firm or person, or by or through any factors, trustees, sub-contractors or agents. Human Resource 3.61 To establish, participate, finance and maintain or contribute to the establishment and maintenance of any Pension, Provident Fund or other benefits with or without contributions or for the welfare or assistance of any persons which are or at any time have been in the employment of the Company or in any other company which is subsidiary, associated or in any other way connected to the Company or persons who have been Directors or officers of the Company or of any subsidiary or associated company as above, or the spouses, widows, widowers, families or the dependents of any such persons and to pay or otherwise contribute to the granting to such persons of donations, bonuses, pensions, grants, contributions or other assistance. 3.62 To undertake and exercise either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world the function of consultant auditors, accountants, the office or the offices and duties of director, manager, secretary, treasurer, consultant, agent or representative of or with any company whatsoever, natural person, legal person, association, scheme, trust foundation, government, state, municipal or other political whether legal or not body or person and to hire and secure the services of professionals, clerks, manual workers and other personnel and workers, and to conclude agreements with such personnel and with the workers, with the aim of making their services available to any person, firm, association or company and to provide or secure the provision by others of the entire and any service whatsoever, need, necessity or requirement of any nature, pertaining to the business field requested by any person, firm, association or company, which is related to any business or activity exercised by them. 3.63 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world the business and the activities of Consultants and Experts on information Management, the administration, organization and manning of enterprises with personnel of any nature, degree and description, and on conditions of employment and discharge of personnel, and generally on consultancy on information management and working matters, to industrial units, trading and other enterprises, including governments, state authorities, semi-government and other organizations, to act as representative or director or to undertake the completion or responsibility or the exercise of powers and control over such matters and to advise or act in any way for the finding, engagement, employment, transfer, discharge or training of scientific, clerical, technical and manual personnel of every nature and description, or skill or specialty, to undertake or contract in the finding, engagement, employment or training of such personnel, to organize and carry out seminars, or educational activities for specialization or refreshment of knowledge, and to carry on research, studies, surveys on all matters connected with personnel, organization or training and to promote generally good employment relations. Software- Information Technology 3.64 The provision of services in relation to computer science, computers, software programs and internet, the creation, trade and development of software programs for computers, the creation and promotion of software applications and software systems, the production and the promotion of several programs, enterprises, websites and any kind of applications to internet, the improvement and the upgrade of software programs for the better optimization of software programs to chain of shops globally and generally solutions for the improvement and upgrade of software programs. 3.65 Το carry on the activities and business of an information technology company and communications, the preparation, production and disposition of computer programmes and the supply of services and consultations on every subject which involves know-how or technology of any field or business. 3.66 To carry on either alone or jointly with others in any part of the world consultancy work relating to computers and also consultancy work for computer software and to plan and prepare computer software or on any related issue for industrial, commercial or any other enterprises generally and to undertake the conduct of research and special studies on all the above subjects and to undertake and promote the establishment of specialized businesses in any part of the world and to promote upon these the establishment of companies, partnerships, branches and generally the conduct of business in any form. 3.67 To study, design and execute computer research for technical, military, government, commercial, scientific, financial applications and any other, to carry out research for the manufacture of original computer research systems, to make purchases of computer systems on behalf of other companies or organizations, to apply educational programmes relating to the science of computer research, to manage and set up computer research departments in other companies or organizations, to carry out financial studies in assessing the value of existing computer research systems, and to carry on the activities of any nature relating to computer research systems.
Trade Activities 3.68 The development of trading activity in any part of the world, the purchase, sale of any goods and products, feedstock and the intercession concerning the above activity for any lawful purpose. 3.69 To carry on the activities of consignees, agents, brokers for commercial firms of any nature and for imports, exports, purchases, sales, exchanges of goods, industrial products, machinery, agricultural products, minerals, especially for computers, computer software and generally of products of any nature and kind, as well as to carry out seminars, lectures, meetings, conferences and educational classes and also any auxiliary activities related to these. Import and Export 3.70 To carry on the activities and business of importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, distributors, commercial agents, resellers, commission agents, brokers, representatives, providers, store-keepers, distributors, of any kind of goods, products, supplies, possessions, raw materials, computers, printers and all their parts and accessories, faxes, photocopying machines, typewriters, software, machinery, electric units, household and electric items, pharmaceutical goods and products, gifts, toys, supplies or other objects, goods or products of any kind and description. Telecommunications 3.71 To carry on the activities of providing telecommunication services of any kind, mobile telecommunications services and any other services regarding telecommunications. Miscellaneous 3.72 To negotiate, buy, sell, administer, store, import, export, re-export, advertise, transport of any kind of goods, products, materials, supplies or of any other objects of every kind. 3.73 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world (and whether in a “free zone area”, bonded area or elsewhere), the business of manufacturers, processors, dealers, providers, storers, removers, packers, wholesalers, retailers, importers, exporters, suppliers, distributors, buyers, sellers, resellers of any kind of goods, materials, merchandises or things of any nature, as well as the business of merchants in general, carriers by any means of transportation, travel or insurance agents, agents on commission or otherwise, customs clearance agents, charterers, estate agents and agents in general and to carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world the business of general and specialized consultants and managers. 3.74 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world (whether in a “free zone”, bonded area or elsewhere) the business of commerce, general trade business and works, imports, exports, buying, selling, exchanging or in any other way trading of goods, industrial products or minerals and in particulars of computers, computer parts, computer systems, accounting and calculating machines, cash machines, computer software necessary for the computers, electronic systems, supplies of machinery and ideas, university supplies, all kind of electronic devices, and any accessories or part thereof any other items connected with the aforesaid and in general of any products of any kind and denomination, either on a cash basis, or on credit, or on hire-purchase or against any other consideration and to carry on the business of commission agents, of agents or brokers in any kind of trading transaction in general. Advertising 3.75 To carry on, either alone or jointly with others, business of any nature and description in advertising, public relations and sales promotion and generally any trade and related activity whatsoever, and to acquire and make available opportunities and means of advertising and public relations. Trade Marks and Patent/licences 3.76 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world the business of purchasing or otherwise acquiring letters patents, licences, brevets d’invention, trademarks, copyrights, inventions, licences and privileges, secret processes and know-how, designs and drawings, formulas, technology and data reports, computer software and know-how, technical know-how and expertise, subject to royalty on an exclusive or limited basis or any part interest therein , either alone or in common with others in any part of the world and to sell, let, license or sub-license or grant any patent rights, brevets d’invention, concessions, licences, inventions, rights or privileges, secret processes and know-how, trademarks, copyrights, designs and drawings, formulas, technology and data reports, computer software and methods specially related to these, and technical know-how and expertise, which belonged to the Company, or on which the Company may acquire an interest in whole or in part. 3.77 To file applications and commence procedures and to take out, purchase or otherwise acquire, lease, substitute, register and use any right to patents, trademarks, licenses, business names, copyrights, concessions, easements, legal powers, rights or privileges and to sell, lease or give by way of gift, assign or otherwise secure or grant licenses for the use thereof. Manufacturing 3.78 To carry on either alone or jointly with others anywhere in the world the business of manufacturers of machinery and equipment in general, of computers, accounting and calculating machines, electronic equipment, machines and university supplies and of components and software necessary for their operations and to carry on of any business either by itself or through agents or as agent for others. Accounting/Bookkeeping 3.79 To secure the necessary licenses or authorizations and to carry on the activities of accountants, bookkeepers, business consultants and the activities for professional services in general. 3.80 To obtain services from third parties or to employ qualified or non-qualified personnel for the needs of its business or for third parties businesses and to obtain the necessary licenses for the proper premises where the activities are carried on. Provided that:
(a) It is hereby expressly declared that each sub-clause of clause 3 of the Companies Law (Cap. 113), of above shall be construed independently of any other sub‑clause thereof and that none of the objects mentioned in any of the above sub‑clauses shall be deemed to be merely subsidiary to the objects mentioned in any of the other above sub‑clauses.
And it is hereby declared that in interpreting this paragraph the powers conferred on the Company by any sub-paragraph hereof shall not be limited or restricted in any way by reference to any other sub-paragraphs or the name of the Company and each sub-paragraph shall be interpreted independently as if each one of them contained the main objectives of the Company.
And it is further declared that where in this paragraph the word “COMPANY” does not refer to this Company shall be deemed to include any company or body corporate with limited liability or not or other legal person whether it resides in Cyprus or abroad and whether it has been incorporated under the Laws of Cyprus or any other State. And the word “person” (unless the context expressly otherwise requires) shall be deemed to include a legal person.
4 The liability of the members is limited.
5 The share capital of the Company is €7,000.00 (Seven Thousand Euros) divided into 7000 shares of €1 each with power of the Company to increase or reduce same and with power to issue any of the shares in the capital, initial, or increased, with or subject to any preferential, special, defined, restrictive or dilatory rights or terms as to dividend, repayment of capital, voting rights, surplus assets, or other rights or terms.
Benzinol Slovakia Ltd
«General Meetings» means the General Meetings of the Company.
«Secretary» means the Secretary of the Company.
«Board of Directors» means the Board of Directors of the Company.
«Special Resolution» means the special resolution voted at the General meeting within the meaning of Section 135 (2) of the Companies Law, Cap. 113.
«Auditors» means the Auditors which have been appointed by the Company in accordance with the Law.
«Company» means this Company
«Annual General Meeting» means the annual General Meeting of the Company that takes place in accordance with the provisions of section 125 of the Law.
«The Law» means the Companies Law, Cap. 113.
«Director» means a member of the Board of Directors
«Ordinary Resolution» means the ordinary resolution voted by the Board of Directors.
«Republic» means the Republic of Cyprus.
«Allocation Notice» shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Regulation 36.6
«Articles» shall mean these articles of association as these may be amended or replaced in accordance with the provisions of section 12 of the Law and which contains the regulation for administration of the Company pursuant to the provisions of sections 8, 10 and 11 of the Law.
«Said Shares» Shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Regulation 36.1.
«Transfer Notice» Shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Regulation 36.1.
«Vendor» Shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Regulation 36.1.
Expressions referring to writing shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be construed as including references to printing, lithography, photography, and other modes of representing or reproducing words in a visible form.
Unless the context otherwise requires, words or expressions contained in these regulations shall bear the same meaning as in the Law or any statutory modification thereof in force at the date at which these regulations become binding on the company.
2. Unless the context otherwise requires these Articles shall be read, interpreted and applied on the basis that the Company is a private company limited by shares and in accordance with the following rules of interpretation.
2.1 References to numbered regulations shall be deemed to be references to numbered regulations of these articles and references in the articles to numbered paragraphs shall be deemed to be references to numbered paragraphs in the relevant regulations.
2.2 references to legislation or legal provisions shall be references to such legislation or legal provisions as amended or re-enacted.
2.3 words or phrases introducing the singular shall be deemed to refer to the plural and vice versa 2.4 words and phrases referring to a particular gender shall be deemed to refer to all genders.
2.5 words or phrases defined in the Law shall have the same meaning in these Articles (unless a different meaning is ascribed to them by the Articles).
32.1 a fee of €5 euros or such lesser sum as the directors may from time to time require is paid to the company in respect thereof;
36.1 A member who desires to transfer any share or shares (hereinafter called the Vendor) shall give to the company notice in writing of such desire (hereinafter called the Transfer Notice). Subject as hereinafter, a transfer notice shall constitute the company the Vendor’s agent for the sale of the share or shares specified therein (hereinafter called the said shares) in one or more lots at the discretion of the directors to the members other than the Vendor at the price to be agreed upon by the Vendor and the remaining members of the company, as between a willing vendor and a willing purchaser. A transfer Notice may provide that no share shall be sold individually unless the company shall sell all the shares referred to in the Transfer Notice.
36.2 The price will be agreed between the Vendor and the rest of the members of the company of the company or in case of disagreement of the price then the auditor of the company at the time shall certify the fair value of the said share.
36.3 If the auditor is asked to certify the fair price as aforesaid, the company shall as soon as it receives the auditor’s certificate, furnish a certified copy thereof to the Vendor and the Vendor shall be entitled, by notice in writing given to the company within ten days (10) of the service upon him of the said certified copy, to cancel the company’s authority to sell the said shares.
36.4 Upon the price being fixed and provided the Vendor shall not give notice of cancellation as aforesaid, the company shall forthwith by notice in writing inform and invite each member to apply in writing to the company within twenty one (21) days of the date of dispatch of the notice, the amount of shares each one wishes to purchase.
36.5 if the said members shall within the said period of twenty one days apply for the purchase of shares, as provided for in the previous paragraph the directors shall allocate the shares to the applicants pari passu.
36.6 The company shall give notice in writing of the allocation of shares (hereinafter called allocation Notice) to the Vendor and to the members to which the shares have been allocated and defines in such notice the time at which the sale will be concluded. Provided that the time for the conclusion shall not be less than fourteen (14) days and greater than twenty eight (28) days from the Allocation Notice.
36.7 The Vendor shall be bound to transfer the shares comprised in the allocation notice to the purchasers named therein at the time and place therein specified. If he shall fail to do so, the board of directors shall be deemed to have been appointed attorney of the Vendor with full power to execute, complete and deliver, in the name and on behalf of the vendor, transfers of the shares the purchasers thereof against payment of the price to the company. The company shall forthwith pay the price into separate bank accounts in the company’s name and shall hold such price in trust for the Vendor.
36.8 During six months following the expiry of the said period of twenty- one days (21) referred to in paragraph 39.4 of the regulation, the Vendor shall be at liberty to transfer to any person and at any price any share not allocated, as mentioned above.
36.9 Any member has the right to transfer any share to his or her spouse, child or any other descendant, parent, brother or sister or company that is beneficially owned or controlled by him.
54.1 consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger amount than its existing shares;
54.2 subdivide its existing shares or any of them, into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the memorandum of association subject, nevertheless, to the provisions of section 60 (1) (d) of the Law;
54.3 cancel any shares which, at the date of the passing of the resolution, have not been taken or agreed to be taken by any person.
67.1 by the chairman; or
67.2 by at least three members present in person or by proxy; or
67.3 by any member or members present in person or by proxy and representing not less than one-tenth of the total voting rights of all the members having the right to vote at the meeting; or
67.4 by a member or members holding shares in the company conferring a right to vote at the meeting being shares on which an aggregate sum has been paid up equal to not less than one-tenth of the total sum paid up on all the shares conferring that right.
“ .................... Limited. I/We, .........., of .........., being a member/members of the above-named company, hereby appoint .......... of .........., or failing him .......... of .........., as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the [annual or extraordinary, as the case may be] general meeting of the company, to be held on the .......... day of .........., 20....., and at any adjournment thereof. Signed this .......... day of ..........,20.....”
“ .................... Limited. I/We, .........., of .........., being a member/members of the above-named company, hereby appoint .......... of .........., or failing him .......... of .........., as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the [annual or extraordinary, as the case may be] general meeting of the company, to be held on the .......... day of .........., 20....., and at any adjournment thereof. Signed this .......... day of ..........,20..... This form is to be used in favour of*/against the resolution. Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy will vote as he thinks fit.
* Strike out whichever is not desired.”
and these prohibitions may at any time be suspended or relaxed to any extent, and either generally or in respect of any particular contract, arrangement or transaction, by the company in general meeting.
100.1 of all appointments of officers made by the directors;
100.2 of the names of the directors present at each meeting of the directors and of any committee of the directors;
100.3 of all resolutions and proceedings at all meetings of the company, and of the directors, and of committees of directors; and every director present at any meeting of directors or committee of directors shall sign his name in a book to be kept for that purpose.
119.1 ceases to be a director by virtue of section 176 of the Law; or
119.2 becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition with his creditors generally; or
119.3 becomes prohibited from being a director by reason of any order made under section 180 of the Law; or
119.4 becomes of unsound mind; or
119.5 resigns his office by notice in writing to the company; or
119.6 shall for more than six months have been absent without permission of the directors from meetings of the directors held during that period.
134 The directors shall keep proper books of account with respect to:
134.1 all sums of money received and expended by the company and the matter in respect of which the receipt and expenditure takes place;
134.2 all sales and purchases of goods by the company; and
134.3 the assets and liability of the company.
135 Proper books shall not be deemed to be kept if they are not kept such books of accounts as are necessary to give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs and to explain its transactions.
136 The books and accounts shall be kept at the registered office of the company or, subject to sections 141(3) of the Law, at such other place or places as the directors think fit, and shall always be open to the inspection of directors.
137 The directors shall from time to time determine whether and to what extent and at what times and places and under what conditions or regulations the accounts and books of the company or any of them shall be open to the inspection of members not being directors and no member (not being a director) shall have any right of inspecting any accounts or book or document of the company except as conferred by statue or authorized by the directors or by the company in general meetings.
138 The directors shall from time to time in accordance with sections 142, 144 and 151v of the Law cause to be prepared and to be laid before the company in general meetings such profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, group accounts (if any) and reports as I referred to in those sections.
139 A copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by Law to be annexed hereto) which is to be laid before the company in general meetings, together with a copy of the auditor’s report shall no less in twenty one (21) days before the date of the meeting be sent to every member of, and every holder of the debentures of the company and to every person registered under regulation 42 provided that this regulation shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person of whose address t5he company is not aware of or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
140 The company in general meeting may upon the recommendation of the directors resolve that it is desirable to capitalize any part of the amount for the time being standing to the credit of any of the company's reserve accounts or to the credit of the profit and loss account or otherwise available for distribution, and accordingly that such sum be set free for distribution amongst the members who would have been entitled thereto if distributed by way of dividend and in the same proportions on condition that the same be not paid in cash but be applied either in or towards paying up any amounts for the time being unpaid on any shares held by such members respectively or paying up in full unissued shares or debentures of the company to be allotted and distributed credited as fully paid up to and amongst such members in the proportion aforesaid, or partly in the one way and partly in the other, and the directors shall give effect to such resolution:
141 Provided that a share premium account and a capital redemption reserve fund may, for the purposes of this regulation, only be applied in the paying up of unissued shares to be issued to members of the company as fully paid bonus shares.
142 Whenever such a resolution as aforesaid shall have been passed the directors shall make all appropriations and applications of the undivided profits resolved to be capitalized thereby, and all allotments and issues of fully paid shares or debentures, if any, and generally shall do all acts and things required to give effect thereto, with full power to the directors to make such provision by the issue of fractional certificates or by payment in cash or otherwise as they think fit for the case of shares or debentures becoming distributable in fractions, and also to authorize any person to enter on behalf of all the members entitled thereto into an agreement with the company providing for the allotment to them respectively, credited as fully paid up, of any further shares or debentures to which they may be entitled upon such capitalization, or (as the case may require) for the payment up by the company on their behalf, by the application thereto of their respective proportions of the profits resolved to be capitalized, of the amounts or any part of the amounts remaining unpaid on their existing shares, and any agreement made under such authority shall be effective and binding on all such members.
143 Auditors shall be appointed and their duties regulated in accordance with sections 153 to156 (both inclusive) of the Law.
144 A notice may be given by the company to any member either personally or by sending it by post to him or to his registered address, or (if he has no registered address within the Republic) to the address, if any, within the Republic supplied by him to the company for the giving of notice to him. Where a notice is sent by post, service of the notice shall be deemed to be effected by properly addressing, prepaying, and posting a letter containing the notice, and to have been effected in the case of a notice of a meeting at the expiration of 24 hours after the letter containing the same is posted, and in any other case at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.
145 A notice may be given by the company to the joint holders of a share by giving the notice to the joint holder first named in the register of members in respect of the share.
146 A notice may be given by the company to the persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to them by name, or by the title of representatives of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, within the Republic supplied for the purpose by the persons claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death or bankruptcy had not occurred.
147 Notice of every general meeting shall be given in any manner hereinbefore authorized to.
147.1 Every member except those members who (having no registered address within the Republic) have not supplied to the company an address within the Republic for the giving of notices to them; 147.2 Every person upon whom the ownership of a share devolves by reason of his being a legal personal representative or a trustee in bankruptcy of a member where the member but for his death or bankruptcy would be entitled to receive notice of the meeting; and
147.3 The auditor for the time being of the company.
No other person shall be entitled to receive notices of general meetings.
148 If the company shall be wound up the liquidator may, with the sanction of an extraordinary resolution of the company and any other sanction required by the Law, divide amongst the members in specie or kind the whole or any part of the assets of the company (whether they shall consist of property of the same kind or not) and may, for such purposes set such value as he deems fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and may determine how such a division shall be carried out as between different classes of members. The liquidator may, with the sanctions, vest the whole or any part of such assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the contributories as the liquidator, with the like sanction, shall think fit, but so that no member shall be compelled to accept any shares or other securities whereon there is a liability.
149 Every Director or other officer of the Company for the time being shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Company against any losses or liabilities which he may sustain or incur in or about the execution of his duties including liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings whether civil or criminal in which judgment is given in his favor or in which he is acquitted or in connection with any application under section 383 of the Law in which relief is granted to him by the Court.