Oznámenie o ponukovom konaní – I. KOLO SPEŇAŽOVANIA
UBC 2020, k. s., so sídlom kancelárie Zelinárska 6, 821 08 Bratislava, značka správcu: S2009, Správca Úpadcu LE Trading a. s., so sídlom Miletičova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, IČO: 47 372 931, zapísaný v Obchodnom registri Mestského súdu Bratislava III, oddiel: Sa, vložka č: 5844/B, týmto vyhlasuje I. kolo ponukového konania na speňaženie majetku Úpadcu patriaceho do všeobecnej konkurznej podstaty - predaj peňažných pohľadávok úpadcu.
I. Predmet ponukového konania : Predmetom speňaženia sú peňažné pohľadávky úpadcu LE Trading a. s., so sídlom Miletičova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, IČO: 47 372 931, zapísaný v Obchodnom registri Mestského súdu Bratislava III, oddiel: Sa, vložka č: 5844/B, uvedené v súpise všeobecnej konkurznej podstaty úpadcu zverejnenom v Obchodnom vestníku č. 236/2023 zo dňa 12. decembra 2023 pod zn. K069659.
Peňažné pohľadávky sa speňažujú v dvoch samostatných balíkoch:
v celkovej výške 70 315 403,70 EUR,
2. balík tvoria všetky ostatné pohľadávky, t. j. pohľadávky voči spoločnostiam: a. ELECTROTRADING GROUP LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, b. Energia Gas and Power d.o.o. Croatia, c. Energia Gas and Power d.o.o. Montenegro, d. Energia Gas and Power d.o.o. Slovenia, e. ENERGY DISTRIBUTION SERVICES S.R.L., f. ENERGY Supply LTD, g. Europe Energy Holding srl, h. Europe Energy SpA, i. Public Power Corporation S.A., a j. U POWER doo export-import Skopje, v celkovej výške 1 760 985,74 EUR.
II. Všeobecné podmienky ponukového konania :
V Bratislave, dňa 26.09.2024
UBC 2020, k.s. Správca úpadcu
Notice of I. Tender procedure
UBC 2020, k. s., with registered office at Zelinárska 6, 821 08 Bratislava, administrator's mark: S2009, Bankruptcy Administrator LE Trading a. s., with registered office at Miletičova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - Ružinov district, ID number: 47 372 931, registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, section: Sa, insert no.: 5844/B, hereby announces the Ist. Tender procedure for the sale of the assets of the Bankrupt belonging to the general asset of bankruptcy - sale of the monetary business claims.
I. Subject of the tender procedure: The subject of the monetization are monetary business claims of the bankrupt LE Trading a. s., with registered office at Miletičova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - Ružinov district, ID number: 47 372 931, registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, section: Sa, insert no.: 5844/B, against other companies listed in the list of general bankruptcy status of the bankrupt published in the Obchodný vestník no. 236/2023 dated on December 12, 2023 under stamp K069659.
The monetary business claims are being monetized in two separate packages:
total amount €70,315,403.70,
2. the second package includes all other receivables, namely receivables from the following companies: a. ELECTROTRADING GROUP LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, b. Energia Gas and Power d.o.o. Croatia, c. Energia Gas and Power d.o.o. Montenegro, d. Energia Gas and Power d.o.o. Slovenia, e. ENERGY DISTRIBUTION SERVICES S.R.L., f. ENERGY Supply LTD, g. Europe Energy Holding srl, h. Europe Energy SpA, i. Public Power Corporation S.A., j. U POWER doo export-import Skopje, total amount €1,760,985.74.
II. General conditions of the tender procedure: 1. Interested parties in the purchase of monetary business claims (hereinafter referred to as “participants in the bidding process”) may submit bids in sealed envelopes with the inscription "LE Trading - bankruptcy - public bidding process - do not open" within 45 days from the date of publication of the notice of the public bidding process in Business journal. Within the deadline according to the previous sentence, the offers must actually be delivered to the administrator at the address UBC 2020, k.s., Tamaškovičova 2742/17, 917 01 Trnava, Slovak Republic. Offers must be submitted in Slovak or English. Offers can be submitted by physical mail as well as by electronic mail (to the administrator's data box).
2. The amount of BIDDING OFFER is settled as 50% of the value of each individual package.
3. The biding offer has to necessarily include: - identification of the participant in the bidding process (business name, seat and identification number in the case of legal entities or name and surname, address and social security number in the case of natural persons) and contact details (telephone and email) - designation and documents proving the final user of the benefits of the participant in the bidding process - a photocopy of an extract from the commercial or other register in the case of legal entities or an identity card in the case of natural persons - exact description of the subject of the offer (ie, whether the offer applies only to some equity participations or to all equity participations that are part of the bidding process) - the offered purchase price in EUR (both verbally and numerically) - bank account statement to prove the ability to pay the purchase price - bank data (name of the bank, account number in the form of IBAN, BIC/SWIFT) - date and signature of the participant in the bidding process or of a person authorized to act on his behalf.
4. The condition for participation in the public bidding procedure is the deposit of an advance in the amount of 50% of the offered purchase price by the participant in the bidding procedure to the bankrupt's bankruptcy account maintained at Slovenská sporiteľna, IBAN: SK7209000000005193401793, SWIFT(BIC): GIBASKBX. If the deposit according to the previous sentence is not deposited in full to the administrator's account no later than the last day of the deadline for submitting bids, the administrator will not consider the bid. Unsuccessful participants in the bidding process will have the advance returned by wire transfer to the account specified in the bid within 5 days from the date of notification of the results of the bidding process. After signing the purchase contract, the successful participant in the bidding process will pay the offered purchase price reduced by the advance payment.
5. The administrator will open the envelopes within 5 days of the deadline for submitting bids. After opening the envelopes in each round, the administrator rather submits the minutes and the results to the creditors' committee for approval of the winning bid. The successful participant in the bidding process is the participant whose bid is approved by the creditors' committee.
6. The administrator will notify the results of the bidding process to all participants in the bidding process in writing within 10 days from the day the envelopes are opened.
7. Within 30 days from the date of announcement of the results of the bidding process, the administrator will send to the winner of the bidding process a draft purchase contract signed by the administrator specifying the deadline by which the successful participant in the public bidding process is obliged to sign the purchase contract. Failure to sign the purchase contract within the specified period results in the failure to conclude the purchase contract, and thus the failure of the public bidding process.
8. Those interested in more information about the subject of monetization can contact the administrator by e-mail at office@ubc2020.sk, the subject of the message marked as VPK LE TRADING.
In Bratislava , on 16.12.2024
UBC 2020, k.s. Bankruptcy administrator