Výzva na prihlásenie pohľadávky. Je potrebné dodržať stanovené termíny! Convocatoria para la presentación de créditos. Plazos aplicables! Výzva k přihlášení pohledávky. Závazné lhůty! Opfordring til anmeldelse af fordringer. Var opmarksom pa fristerne! Aufforderung zur Anmeldung einer Forderung. Etwaige Fristen beachten! Noude esitamise kutse. Järgitavad tähtajad! Invitation to lodge a claim. Time limits to be observed! Invitation a produire une créance. Délais a respecter! Invito all'insinuazione di un credito. Termine da osservare! Uzaicinajums iesniegt prasijumu. Termini, kas jaievero! Kvietimas pateikti reikalavimą. Privalomieji terminai! Felhívás követelés bejelentésére. Betartandó határidők! Stedina ghal preżentazzjoni ta' talba! Oproep tot indiening van schuldvorderingen. In acht te nemen termijnen! Wezwanie do zgłoszenia wierzytelności. Przestrzegać terminów! Aviso de reclamaçao de créditos. Prazos legais a observar! Invita?ie de înregistrare a cererii de admitere a crean?ei. Termenul limită! Poziv k prijavi terjatve. Roki, ki jih je treba upoštevati! Kehotus saatavan ilmoittamiseen. Noudatettavat määräajat! Anmodan att anmäla fordran. Tidsfrister att iaktta!
PERSPECTA Recovery, k.s. správca S 1894, so sídlom príslušnej kancelárie Matuškova 48, 976 31 Vlkanová, správca dlžníka Swedish Education Group – SE group, s.r.o., IČO: 46 055 509, so sídlom Pavla Križku 390/4, 967 01 Kremnica, v súlade s Nariadením Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) č. 2015/848 zo dňa 20.05.2015, ako správca dlžníka oznamujeme, že uznesením Okresného súdu Banská Bystrica, spis. zn.: 6K/9/2023, zo dňa 12.05.2023 bol vyhlásený malý konkurz na majetok dlžníka. PERSPECTA Recovery, k.s., S1894 seated Matuškova 48, 976 31 Vlkanová, as bankruptcy truste of bankrupt Swedish Education Group – SE group, s.r.o., IČO: 46 055 509, seated Pavla Križku 390/4, 967 01 Kremnica, (hereinafter only “the Bankrupt “), has according to the Direction of the European parliament and Council No. 2015/848 dated 20th May 2015 the duty to inform you that with the resolution of the District Court Banská Bystrica, No. 6K/9/2023 dated 12th of May 2023 bankruptcy was declared on the Bankrupts estate.
The bankruptcy begins by declaring the bankruptcy. The bankruptcy is considered as declared by publishing the resolution on declaring the bankruptcy in the Commercial report, whereby as the day of publishing (delivery) of the judicial decision the day following the day after the publishing of the judicial decision in the Commercial report shall be considered. The debtor becomes the bankrupt after declaring the bankruptcy (§ 23 sec. 1 BRA in connection with the provision § 199 sec. 9 BRA). The declaration of the bankruptcy defends the bankrupt from beginning of a restructuralization proceedings. If the court receives during the bankruptcy a request on restructuralization of the bankrupt, the court declines the request on restructuralization by a resolution (§ 23 sec. 2 BRA).
The claim, which is not the claim against the property shall be alleged by an application (§ 28 sec. 1 BRA).
If the creditor delivers the application later to the trustee, the application shall be taken into consideration, but the creditor cannot exercise the right to vote and other rights related to the registered claim. The right to proportional satisfaction of the creditor shall not be touched; he can be satisfied only from the gains put into the schedule from the general property, whose aim to put together was published in the Commercial report after the delivery of the application to the trustee. The registration of such claim into the list of the claims publishes the trustee in the Commercial report with stating the creditor and the registered sum (§ 28 sec. 3 BRA).
If it is an assured claim, also the security right must be duly and on time alleged in the application delivered to the trustee in the basic registration period within 45 days from declaring the bankruptcy, otherwise it will lapse (§ 28 sec. 4 BRA).
Also, the future claim or claim can be alleged by the application, whose establishment is bound to the fulfillment of the condition (hereinafter only as “conditional claim”); the rights connected to the conditional claim is the conditional creditor entitled to allege only then as he proves to the trustee the establishment of the conditional claim (§ 28 sec. 5 BRA).
The delivery of the application to the trustee has for the course of the period of limitation and the termination of right the same legal effects as enforcement of right by the court (§ 28 sec. 6 BRA).
In the bankruptcy also the creditor alleges his claim by the application, who has the claim towards other person as the bankrupt, if it is assured by the security right referring to the property of the bankrupt. Such creditor can be satisfied in the bankruptcy only from the gains acquired by encashing the property, which ensures his claim, whereby the rights to vote at the meeting of the creditors can exercise only in that extent, in which his claim will be probably satisfied from the property, by which it is assured (§ 28 sec. 7 BRA).
9. Ak si takýto veriteľ svoju zabezpečenú pohľadávku v základnej prihlasovacej lehote neprihlási, na jeho zabezpečovacie právo sa v konkurze neprihliada, má však proti dotknutej podstate právo na vydanie toho, o čo sa dotknutá podstata v dôsledku toho obohatila, pričom takéto právo môže uplatniť proti dotknutej podstate ako pohľadávku proti podstate, ktorá sa však uspokojí až po uspokojení všetkých ostatných pohľadávok proti tejto podstate (§ 28 ods. 8 ZKR).
If such creditor does not register his assured claim in the basic registration period, his security right will not be taken into consideration in the bankruptcy, but he has the right against the affected property to handing over that, what the affected property in this consequence was enriched, whereby such right can be alleged against affected property as claim against property, which will be satisfied after satisfying all other claims against this property (§ 28 sec. 8 BRA).
The application must be submitted on a pre-printed form and must include basic requirements; otherwise it will not be taken into consideration. The basic requirements of the application are: a) name, surname and residence or name and seat of the creditor, b) name, surname and residence or name and seat of the bankrupt, c) legal reason of the establishment of the claim, d) order of satisfying the claim from the general property, e) total sum of the claim, f) signature (§ 29 sec. 1 BRA).
For each assured claim one application must be submitted with stating the assured sum, type, order, subject and legal reason of establishment of the security right (§ 29 sec. 2 BRA).
In the application of conditional claim must be stated also the fact on which basis the claim should arise or the condition, from which the establishment of the claim depends (§ 29 sec. 3 BRA).
The total sum of the claim shall be divided in the application in the principal and fixtures, whereby the fixtures shall be divided in the application according to the legal reason of the establishment (§ 29 the fixtures shall be divided in the application according to the legal reason of the establishment (§ 29 sec. 4 BRA).
The claim shall be alleged in Euros. If the claim is not alleged in Euros, the sum of the claim shall be stated by the trustee by the conversion according to the exchange rate determined and published on the day of bankruptcy declaration by the European Central Bank or National Bank of Slovakia. If the claim is alleged in currency, whose reference exchange rate is not stated or published by the European Central Bank or by the National Bank of Slovakia, the sum of the claim shall be determined by the trustee with professional care (§ 29 sec. 5 BRA).
To the claim shall be attached the documents, which prove the stated facts. The creditor, who is the accounting unit, determines in the application a statement, if he accounts the claim in the accountancy, in which extent, or possible reasons, why he does not accounts the claim in the accountancy (§ 29 sec. 6 BRA).
To the application of non-monetary claim must be attached an expert report determining the sum of the non-monetary claim, otherwise the application will not be taken into consideration (§ 29 sec. 7 BRA).
The creditor, who does not have the residence or seat or affiliation of the company in the Slovak republic, is obliged to determine his representative with residence or seat in the Slovak republic for delivering and to announce the determination of the representative to the trustee, otherwise the documents will be delivered only by publishing them in the Commercial report (§ 29 sec. 8 BRA).
The trustee submits without vain delay after the expiration of the basic registration period to the court together with his statement the list of submissions, by which he thinks that they were not taken into consideration as application, whereby the court determines by a resolution without vain delay, if these submissions were taken into consideration as application. The resolution of the court will be delivered to the trustee, who will notify the relevant persons (§ 30 sec. 1 BRA).
The submission, by which the claim was alleged, which will be alleged in the bankruptcy by an application, cannot be corrected nor amended (§ 30 sec. 2 BRA).
The participant of the bankruptcy proceedings has the right to allege the objection of bias towards the judge to the expiration of the period for registration of the claims, who shall negotiate the mater and to decide, if in respect to his relation to the matter, to the participant or to the representative can arise the doubts about their impartiality. The court does not take into consideration later delivered objections (197 sec. 6 BRA). In the objection of bias must be stated against whom it is aimed, the reason, for which the judge shall be excluded and when the participant submitting the objection learnt about the reason of exclusion. The submission, which does not fulfill the objections of bias will not be taken into consideration; in this case the matter will not be submitted to the court (§ 53 sec. 3 Civil process order).
This notice refers to the creditors who have their domicile or registered seat in other EU member state than in the Slovak Republic has according to the Direction of the European parliament and Council No. 2015/2015 dated 20th May 2015.
Vo Vlkanovej dňa 22.05.2024 / In Vlkanová on the 22nd of May 2024
PERSPECTA Recovery, k.s. správca konkurznej podstaty dlžníka Trustee of the bankrupt |